Dr Bryan Murphy
Consultant Dermatologist // MB, BCh, BAO, PG Cert (Med Ed), MRCP (Derm)
- Adults › 16
- +13 Years of experience

Specialist Fields
- General dermatology
- Acne
- Eczema and psoriasis
- Skin cancer
- Genital dermatology

General Medical Council
- 7140744

Languages Spoken
- English

Registered Medical Insurers
- Bupa
- Benenden
- H3
- Vitality
- Aviva
- Cigna
Having graduated from Medicine at Queen's University Belfast in 2011, I completed postgraduate core medical training and Dermatology specialist registrar training in Northern Ireland. During my training, I was also privileged to spend time working with the difficult psoriasis team at Salford, Manchester and the male genital specialist at UCH, London. I have worked as a Dermatology consultant at the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust since August 2019 and see patients at Kingsbridge Private Hospital in Belfast and Holywood.
I am happy to see patients aged 18 and older for all general dermatological concerns including skin rashes and lesions.
My experiences to date include holding post as the Improvement Lead and Chair for the Northern Ireland Regional Skin Cancer Multidisciplinary Meeting in 2022/2023, and I am a core member of the Northern Ireland Skin Cancer Clinical Reference Group. I am passionate about promoting skin cancer prevention and previously sat on the Northern Ireland Skin Cancer Prevention Strategy Group with Cancer Focus NI. Furthermore, I enjoy teaching and in addition to training junior doctors, have experience in providing educational talks and lectures on various aspects of dermatology.
In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with family, partner and our 2 Cavapoochon dogs. I play tennis, try to partake in HIIT workouts, like gardening and love to travel and meet new people.