Frequently asked questions

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What is online dermatology?

Online dermatology, also known as ‘teledermatology’ is a type of service that harnesses modern technology to deliver expert skincare remotely. Teledermatology has been around for decades but recently has seen a huge increase in usage across the World. Since dermatology is primarily based upon what you can see, it is perfectly suited to this with very little difference seen compared to care delivered in a physical face-to-face clinic.

Does online dermatology work and is it safe?

Online dermatology has been shown to be as effective as in-person dermatology in over 90% of cases. skindoc has worked very hard to make sure that its services give you plenty of opportunities to tell us how you need our help, whether it be by using questionnaires, photographs or live video consultations. As a result, skindoc can safely address the vast majority of dermatological issues. It is however not a replacement for in-person dermatology, rather a highly convenient and much more accessible option that removes the need to travel or even leave your own home.

There are still some things that normally need to be seen by a dermatologist in person. This includes, but is not limited to, concerning moles, life-threatening skin rashes, treatment-resistant skin complaints that require immunosuppression etc.

What types of things do you treat?

Dermatologists are specialists that are trained in treating disease of the skin, hair, nails and mouth. There are around 2000 different conditions, and we can address nearly all of them. Because dermatology can be very confusing, skindoc have created nine easy categories for you to choose from. Please see the What we treat section for further information.

Will I be treated by a qualified dermatologist?

Yes. 100% of our services are delivered by UK-based dermatology consultants. Whichever service you chose, rest assured your concerns will be addressed by a highly qualified skin specialist that fully understands the UK health system.

Will my doctor be in the UK?

Yes. Our services are delivered by UK-based dermatology consultants only.

What are your contact details and opening hours?

Our contact details including email address, telephone number and WhatsApp channel can all be found in our Contact us section.

You can submit photo upload cases and book an online consultation 24/7.

The availability of our doctors will be determined by each individual doctors booking calendar, but availability is typically between 8am - 8pm Monday – Saturday with some doctors being available even later than this.

Our patient support team are available between the hours of 8am - 6pm Monday-to-Friday and 9am - 1pm on Saturdays. We are closed on Sundays.

Do I need a referral from my GP to use your service?

If you are a private patient and self-funding then no, you can self-refer. If you have private medical insurance (or are being referred by the NHS) then yes, a referral letter is usually required. Please check with your private medical insurer to clarify the exact steps you need to take to be referred into skindoc.

Can I use the service abroad?

Even though skindoc is a UK-based service, you can book appointments and submit cases from anywhere in the World provided you have a UK address and submit a valid ID.

Since you will be reviewed by a UK-based doctor, our services follow UK laws and regulations and as such there are some countries you cannot use our service from because their rules and regulations vary. You will not be able to use our services from the following countries: USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Germany & China. Before booking, please check for any local restrictions on consulting with a clinician outside of the country you are situated in.

When it comes to prescriptions, there are some European countries where we might be able to submit a private prescription. Please let your doctor know during your appointment if you are outside of the UK so they can best advise you.

Do I have to pay?

If you are a self-funded and self-referred individual, then yes and the prices are available under our Pricing page.

If you have private medical insurance, please check with your insurer that they will fund your consultation before booking. skindoc and the doctors who work here are recognised by several healthcare insurance providers so when you contact them, please ensure that they provide us with your Insurance Membership Policy number and Authorisation Code prior to booking an appointment.

If you have been referred by your NHS GP, then an account will be created for you and payment will not be required.

I am not happy with the service; how do I complain?

We will do everything we can to rectify any issues you may have experienced however if you would like to make a formal complaint, please contact us directly at Additionally, when you log in to your account there is a downloadable leaflet in the Resources section which outlines the process and your options.

Can I use my friend/family members account too?

No. Every account that is created on skindoc is a legally protected medical file unique to the original patient. An ID is required to verify each account so using someone elses account invalidates it. This is still the case even if the account was set up by you for your child, and then you wanted to submit a case for you as well. You always need to have a unique and personal account for every individual patient.

Can I use this service for my child?

Yes. Our team of dermatology consultants are trained to deliver care to all age groups.

Your child MUST have their own account, registered using their legal details i.e. name, DOB, address etc. They can register with your mobile or email address.

Please note that this is a medico-legal requirement and to not abide by this is considered an offence.